
Archive for February 10th, 2008

Lent in the Winter Wonderland



We are definitely in the Winter Wonderland ~ so much winter that most area Ash Wednesday Services were cancelled and worship Pine Island Presbyterian Church, on this First Sunday in Lent, was also cancelled.  I’m able to recall the words and intent for each day but I find myself wondering what it means to begin this season of Lent without community: hearing the words read thou art dust and to dust thou shall return; and Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, singing the familiar songs, passing the Peace, and receiving the blessing ~ all of these just aren’t the same when recited within the mind.  Sometimes we have to lose something before the true value of it speaks to our soul.          

Yet the irony is that, although I didn’t receive ashes on my forehead this year,  I do feel innately connected to the earth as I watch, for the umpteenth time this winter, the snow swirl across the road and around the trees and wonder if there will be yet another snow day tomorrow.  Perhaps the temptation in this is to continue believing the earth serves us and that sometimes the weather simply gets in our way.  Perhaps the call in this season and beyond is to re-think our relationship with the earth, our stewardship of this planet we call home and whose resources support our living.  Reading entries at To Inspire and Moblize: Earth Ministry’s Blog on Faith and Environment  offers encouragement to stretch one’s thinking and daily practices during Lent.  Living in Lent, Caring for Creation is a resource that offers 40 Ways to Fast and Feast for God’s Creation. 

The focus of Lent is just outside my door, and its chill settles quickly in my bones, as I remember the journey toward Easter was a journey walked on this earth as food was eaten, parables of yeast and lost sheep were told, stones cried out, and a body was anointed.  This week, as meals are prepared and eaten, snow is shoveled, and wintry roads are navigated I’ll hope for clear skies and dry roads next Sunday so we can gather as community and continue this journey in each other’s company.

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